How to Get More Time in Your Week

Interesting chart from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics of how we spend our time. Which got me thinking…

I have so many conversations with women who tell me they don’t have enough time for X.

“I don’t have time to work out.”

“I don’t have time to take that class.”

“I don’t have time to take a vacation.”

“I don’t have time for girls’ night.”

Unfortunately, we can’t go buy more time on Amazon.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, even Beyoncé.

But we can all get better with how we manage our time.

It starts with scheduling your priorities.

What is truly the most important thing(s) to you?

Pull out your calendar system of choice and schedule it. Schedule that before you put a single meeting on your calendar.

Then, look at the most important things at work that are your true priorities. These are the things that your performance is judged on. Schedule those next.

Whatever time you have left can be for things you can do to help others. Or you can make more time for yourself.

And after all this, if you still don’t have enough time, then that’s your signal to delegate and outsource.

Advocate for yourself at work to have more assistance and adjust your workload. Ask for help! Don’t try to do it all on your own. You’ll burn yourself out.

And when it comes to your personal life, if you have a partner, ask them to pitch in more.

If you don’t have a partner, consider outsourcing tasks and chores.

Don’t feel guilty about using Instacart or getting a housekeeper to help out every now and then (or as much as you want).

It frees up valuable time that you can use for things that are important to you.

So, how do you want to change the ways you spend your time?

What do you want to do more of?

What do you want to do less of?

Tell me here.

Michele Dye

Michele Dye is a creative entrepreneur, marketing maven and a teacher at heart. She is the creator of Dyenamic Career Goals, a collection of group and private coaching programs, memberships and online courses that help women advance their careers. In 2017, Michele founded Dyenamic Media LLC to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses through profitable online marketing strategies. She holds a master’s degree in executive leadership from the Liberty University School of Business and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Florida. Follow Michele on Instagram!


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