How to Get Unstuck at Work

Stop holding onto a job that's no longer serving you. @hireacareercoach

I want you to consider this, friend... What is it costing YOU to continue stay struggling in your career, hoping that the right job or opportunity will fall into your lap?

Here’s the ugly truth few will ever want to tell you:

No one’s coming to make things better for you at work.

Your boss isn’t tossing and turning at night trying to figure out how to make your job better.

I see so many women stick around for a job based on “what if” scenarios and patiently waiting for their boss to fulfill promises that have been dangled in front of them for years.

You could keep working hard and just keep hoping one day it gets better before you burn out or break down...

OR you could learn how to finally grow your career in a way that gives you more opportunities and better pay, even if you’ve been stuck where you are for years.

That’s why I’m giving you a simple solution to help you grow your career—a way to get rid of that nagging doubt in your head and attract the right opportunities that will move your career forward.

Even if there’s no room for growth at your current job. Even if you’ve been laid off, or worse—fired.

Come join me for Career Goal Genius so you can escape your dead-end job and make 2023 your best year yet!

Career Goal Genius is broken up into 4 parts:
November 2 at 7 p.m. EDT: Erase Imposter Syndrome so you can confidently work toward your career goals.
November 5 at 1 p.m. EST: Choose Your 2023 Goals that will move your career forward without stretching yourself too thin.

November 9 at 7 p.m. EST: Goal Genius Roadmap is your exact plan so you know what to do and when to do it.
Submit your Goal Genius Roadmap for a review by yours truly so you can be confident that you have the right plan in place. Your roadmap is due November 13 by 11 p.m. EST.

Our workshops will take place live in our Zoom room and will be recorded if you can't make it. We'll have a pop-up Facebook group where you can access our replays and planning sheets.

And if that isn't enough to convince you, I've got some bonuses for you if you sign up today: 20-Minute Laser Coaching Session to get your questions answered ($89 value) Digital Career Goals Journal to plan and track your progress each week ($27).

Offer Ends November 2, 2022.

Michele Dye

Michele Dye is a creative entrepreneur, marketing maven and a teacher at heart. She is the creator of Dyenamic Career Goals, a collection of group and private coaching programs, memberships and online courses that help women advance their careers. In 2017, Michele founded Dyenamic Media LLC to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses through profitable online marketing strategies. She holds a master’s degree in executive leadership from the Liberty University School of Business and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Florida. Follow Michele on Instagram!


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